Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hey everyone.......I don't know why but I am super active during nights...Nocturnal.Engineering and hostel life made me more nocturnal definitely.!Nights associated with sleep followed by dreams and I am sick of dreams that never come true.But still I love my dreams and I want to dream however.Contradictory patterns of behavior eh?I think(hope) atleast few of you share my contradictory way of thinking...

I was just thinking what particular thing changed over lifestyle and living and in what way.Oh,I can think of too many such particular things!!!Hey blame the science and technology not me for just reasoning them out!Well fine,these things gave us many comforts and luxuries which I can never deny but I see a very big void nevertheless..Why is this happening to me?Is it right to blame the world or is it me who is responsible for this insanity?

I just wanna ask you something.Just suppose there is a guy who is a maestro.A genius in his domain.He sacrificed almost everything in his life to achieve something big.He never went out with friends;never visited relatives;never spend quality time with family.Everyday he was immersed in his work and persevered towards excellence.He pushed himself to limits everyday.Never compromised for anything mediocre.Day and night,workaholic..Ain't that great? After ten years he got the greatest recognition in his work and people across the world started to know him.He was felicitated by the local organizations too.Ain't that amazing??OH,WAIT!!!NONE OF HIS FAMILY MEMBERS IN THE AUDIENCE!!NO FRIENDS TOO!In fact,no one in the audience were known to him...Well,now if i ask myself how i feel about this man,I see no achievement;no honor;no praise.I just find a lonely soul who suffered and sacrificed everything to achieve something that could never bring back to him his true roots;his people.

And I never want such life guys.Many may not agree with me.They might feel that the aforementioned guy is a true achiever;a wizard.But I still feel he is a loser.My philosophy is simple:I am born in this world.I must live my life with the ones who know me and love me.I want regular stuff in life.I still like garlic bread ,chicken pizza.But sometimes I love roadside chat with friends.SUVs are truly amazing but once in a while a long walk in the cool evenings are divine.Armanis and Guccis are true stunners but a very old pair of jeans and an ill fitting tee gives you the comfort never felt before.Funny and stupid these might sound,but these are very true to me.Gospel true.
Guys,make plans for life-achievements,dream jobs,career,partner etc.But sometimes just relax.Don't take life toooooo seriously.Don't over plan and miss the very essence of life-spontaneity.
Take off your shoes and walk on the grass in mornings.Feel the wetness.Amuse yous skin.Face the rain drops and feel the sensation rather than running for place to prevent rain fro reaching you.Chuck your sun glasses and once in a while feel the heat.A cup of coffee while it is cold outside is truly great.Feel the smell of soil just when it starts raining.Feel the air,feel the ambience,feel the moon,feel the sun,feel the cool breeze.....All these things we encounter in everyday life but we appreciate them only once in so many days.These things won't change but our vision changes.Our perspective changes.If everything is beautiful everyday then it is a boring thing for sure.

Do what you want to do.Never regret any moment that made you happy.There is no crime in doing stuffs which are not hurting others.Embrace your flaws as tightly as you embrace your plus points.But do not regret at some later point of life for not doing what you truly wanted to do.Show care to people who deserve it.Love the ones who live with you.Forget enmity.Fall in love with life.Because life is the only personal thing you have got in this world........Just personalize it.Never follow a stereotype.
God bless
With love